When a “dust explosion” occurs the air literally catches fire and the smaller the particles and finer their distribution, the greater the potential explosivity of the combustible dust.
What ignites the dust? It can be something as insignificant as a small electrical discharge from a computer, phone or switch.
Dust explosions, to a lesser or greater degree, are thought to happen on a daily basis in European businesses and these hazards are particularly prevalent in the woodworking, metalworking, plastics processing, chemicals, paper, agriculture, food and fodder industries. The UK Health and Safety Executive provide extensive guidance on the prevention of fires and explosions from dusts.
Introducing Explovent Explosion Relief Panels
If you are designing or maintaining a facility which has the potential for a dust explosion, it is possible that you should consider CS Explovent wall venting panels.
Explovent is an opening panel, set within the exterior facade of the building. It is calibrated to vent (open) on a hinged system at pre-set pressures, which enables the building to avoid a catastrophic explosion because the pressure build-up is vented prior to this happening.
CS Explovent can be tested during routine checks to ensure full functionality should a “dust explosion” occur, and after testing it is fully reset in its closed position.
The benefits of CS Explovent for your facility are, that should an event occur, damage is limited because the explosion has been vented – and any downtime, because of building damage, is minimised.
Learn more about Explovent on our website or download the CS Explovent brochure. To discuss your Explosion venting requirements get in touch by emailing info@c-sgroup.co.uk or call us on 01296 652800.
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